
5 products

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5 products

Our section for health related products like pelvic floor strengthening devices, teas, masks and related.

Did you know we offer a special discount for customers who have purchased a Face Mask from us but didn't get the perfect fit on first try? We call it the 'Stay Safe Policy'. If you have purchased a face mask from us and would like to try a different size, please request the coupon code HERE

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Sliquid Lubricant Single Pack
Sliquid Lubricant Single Pack
Sliquid Lubricant Single Pack
Sliquid Lubricant 4.2 oz bottle
sliquid lubricant perfect for inserting menstrual cups
Sliquid Lubricant 4.2 oz bottle
Plantish Stain Stick- 0.5 oz
stain stick for cloth pads
Plantish Stain Stick- 0.5 oz
Plantish Stain Block- 3.5 oz
Plantish Stain Block- 3.5 oz
Plantish Stain Block- 3.5 oz
Rael Heat Patch for  Menstrual Cramps
Rael Heat Patch for  Menstrual Cramps
Rael Heat Patch for Menstrual Cramps
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