How To Remove a Menstrual Cup

How long can the MeLuna stay in the vagina?

MeLuna menstrual cups can remain in the vagina for 8 to 12 hours. 
Usually it is sufficient to empty your cup 2 to 4 times a day. Since the menstrual flow varies from woman to woman and also during the cycle, the frequency in which you need to empty the cup will also vary.

To figure out your best schedule, simply empty the menstrual cup at similar intervals as you have previously changed tampons and pads. This will give you an idea of how frequently the cup will need emptying. The menstrual cup can be worn both during the day and at night, but they should be emptied at least every 8 to 12 hours.

It is not necessary to empty the cup every time you use the bathroom.
If you have strong pelvic muscles may however find it easier to remove the cup for bathroom visits. This will vary from person to person.


Removing Your Menstrual Cup

Wash your hands thoroughly before attempting to take out your menstrual cup. 
Put yourself in a comfortable position, preferably a sitting position.

Use your pelvic floor muscles to push the cup down and out. This will break the seal in most cases. If the seal persists you can pinch the ridges at bottom of the cup to break the seal.

Then gently pull the handle on the MeLuna. Please do not just pull the handle on your menstrual cup (ball / stem / ring) without breaking the seal first. 

It is important that you are patient during the first few times – it takes some practice to change the cup easily. Stay calm and relaxed. Empty after removing the menstrual cup and clean it. You can then reuse the cup as usual.


Your menstrual cup can not get 'lost in there.'

Here's the good news: your menstrual cup can not travel up into your body past your vagina/cervix. The cervical opening is much too small to allow a cup through. Your menstrual cup can not get lost in your body.


Watch the menstrual cup removal video

You may find it easier to listen and see menstrual cup removal demonstrated on a plastic model in a video rather than reading about it. Have a look at our video below. For more instructional videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel!



Did you know that the position of your cervix changes throughout your cycle? Often new customers are anxious to give the cup a ‘dry run’ to prepare before their period. What is important to remember though is that during your period your cervix is generally located lower, changing the position of the cup from where it would sit during a dry run. There also will be more moisture, etc. If you are opting for a ‘dry run’ and experience any difficulties with placement just remember that this may not be indicative of where/how the cup will sit during your menstruation.


It's out but it's oval!

Did you know that your vagina is shaped like a compressed hose rather than a round pipe? This is the reason why upon removal many TPE cups appear to have taken on an oval shape.
The menstrual cup material TPE responds to temperature. Under the influence of body heat it reshapes itself to its surroundings for a perfect fit. Since your vagina is slightly flattened the cup becomes oval instead of round.
The shapes match and create a perfect seal.
Some silicone cup user tend to panic upon seeing their TPE cup become oval since silicone does not conform to its surroundings. An oval shape in a TPE cup is perfectly normal and not cause of leaking

You can see more about it here:


Is your cup leaking? Check out our Blog Post on the 6 Top Reasons why your cup is leaking and how to fix it.