Guidline For Standard Height Menstrual Cups
The Majority Of Cup Users Are Most Successful With Standard Height MeLuna Cups. If You Are New To Menstrual Cups, Standard Height Is A Great Place To Start.
Size Small
is primarily used by younger users and makes a great teen cup! If you are choosing the small due to light flow be sure that this diameter is sufficient to create an adequate seal for you.
Size Medium
is a great cup for users of all ages who have not given birth vaginally. If you are choosing the medium due to light flow be sure that this diameter is sufficient to create an adequate seal for you.
Size Large
is commonly used by users who have given birth vaginally or those that require a slightly larger capacity due to heavier flow
Size XL
is primarily used by users who have had multiple vaginal births and users who have a very heavy flow and are able to accommodate the larger diameter

Standard Height MeLuna
Standard height MeLuna Menstrual Cups are great for most cup users and offer the greatest capacity.
Guideline For Low Cervix 'Shorty' Menstrual Cups
For Cup Users With Low Cervix Or Short Vaginal Canal Standard Height Cups Can Be Too Tall. In That Case Check Out Our Award Winning MeLuna Shorty Cups.
Please Note: Sizing Recommendations For Shorties Are Slightly Different!
Shorty Small
is created to accommodate users with the need for a very narrow AND very short cup. This may occur due to scarring from injury, radiation treatment or surgeries as well as medical conditions.
Shorty Medium
is commonly used by users of all ages who have not given birth vaginally at all and have a light flow
Shorty Large
is commonly used by users of all ages who have not given birth vaginally at all or have not had more than one vaginal birth.
Shorty XL
is primarily used by users who have had at least one vaginal birth and users who have a very heavy flow.
Please Note Shorties Should Only Be Used By Clients With Unusually Low Cervix. Please Do Not Purchase A Shorty Simply Because You Are Looking For A Small Cup. If Your Cervix Is Of Average Height Please Choose A MeLuna Standard Cup.
Low Cervix - Shorty MeLuna Cups
MeLuna Shorty are specifically designed to accommodate a shorter vaginal canal. They're the best choice for cup users that are unable to fit a standard height cup.